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Harvest SoupThis soup is a beautiful autumn color, with the sweet sun-ripened flavor of a summer harvest...which in fact, it is. It was contributed by Don Schonnop, a father of four who says "I like to help in the kitchen with our family, and soups happen to be one of my favorites. Especially on the cold and wet months." This recipe, served hot, makes a rich and satisfying lunch for 4-6 people, especially with half a sandwich on the side.
Garnish: minced cilantro or parsley Bring the stock to a boil in a large soup pot, then add all the chopped vegetables. Return to a boil, add salt and pepper to taste, then reduce heat and simmer until tender--about 25 minutes. Puree, solids first, then return to pot, bring to a simmer, and season with curry. Stir in cream. When ready to serve, ladle into bowls and sprinkle the minced herbs on top.