Saltkjöt og baunir(Icelandic Salted Lamb and Pea Soup)This rich Icelandic soup recipe was contributed by Nanna Rögnvaldardóttir, author of Matarást ( or, Love of Food), a 700-page encyclopedia of Icelandic cooking that was shortlisted for the Icelandic Literary Prize in 1999. It contains some 1,600 recipes and 3,000 entries--and weighs nearly 7 pounds! Saltkjöt og baunir is what most Icelanders eat on Shrove Tuesday, or "sprengidagur" (literally "bursting day"). According to Nanna, "Tradition says you should eat as much (especially meat) as you possibly can, until you are about to burst. The reason for this is of course that in the old days, you would have been preparing for seven meatless weeks, so you better pig out. The soup is fairly similar to Scandinavian pea soups, except they are usually made with salted pork, not lamb." Salted lamb is not easy to find in many locations, but it is possible to substitute 1 pound of country ham and 2 pounds of fresh lamb for the bacon and salted lamb, below, to get a decent flavor of the dish. Serve hot as a meal to 8 people.