Beef Tea(English)A horrible pain to make correctly...but no trouble at all when you've got a weak invalid on your hands and are anxious to "beef" him or her up. Two versions, below. Serve warm, in bed, to one sick chick. Then sit back to watch the roses bloom in those pale cheeks.
Broil the steak 2 minutes per side Then, right in the broiling pan, cut the steak into 1-inch squares--and put the squares into a glass pint jar. Be sure to scrape up the bottom of the pan with one of the squares and get every scrap of goodness into the jar. Pour cold water over the meat to cover, then put the jar into a pot of cold water. The point here is not to cook, but to steep the meat. Turn the heat to low and let the goodness leach out of the meat slowly, over the next two hours or so. When ready to serve, pour off the beef tea, salt slightly to taste, and serve warm, preferably on a tray with silver and linen napkins in a beautiful cup.