- Soup tales
- Food tales
- Late breaking soups, etc.
- Faves of the stars
- Hot soups
- Cold soups
- Soup as a
- Soup as a course
- International
- Occasional
- Meat soups
- Cry fowl
- Seafood
- Strictly vegetable
- Fruity soups
- Soup basics
- Soup sentiments
- Chowderhead rock
- A cautionary tale
- American measures?
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Beautiful Soup
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"Beautiful soup, so rich and green,
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
Beau--ootiful Soo--oop! Beau--ootiful Soo--oop!
Soo--oop of the e--e--evening, Beautiful, beautiful Soup"
...Lewis Carrol's "The Mock Turtle's song"
For centuries, soup has been the first resort of a special dinner and the last resort of weary providers with tired vegetables and hungry children. And it's a lot more than that. Thackeray has versified on it; Queequeg has rhapsodized about it; George Santayana has waxed downright Proustian for its sake. In these pages, dear readers, I would sing a song of soup to fill your bellies and satisfy your souls.
Copyright, Patricia G. Solley, 1997 All rights reserved